About the subject

The Spanish course provides an engaging and exciting opportunity for you to build on your previous study of the Spanish language. Through social, intellectual and cultural themes you will be able to develop your linguistic knowledge and cultural understanding of Spain. A strong focus is placed on building confidence and fluency in spoken Spanish using relevant and topical themes.

The themes which we study in Year 1 are:
El Ciberespacio
Los Valores Tradicionales y Modernos
La Igualdad
In Year 2 we study:
La Influencia de los Idolos
La Identidad Regional en España
El Patrimonio Cultural

We also study a film and a book.

The exam board is AQA and the A Level exam consists of 3 papers: Paper 1 (listening, reading and translation) counts for 50% of the overall mark, Paper 2 (essays) counts for 20% and Paper 3 (speaking) counts for 30%.

Your tasks to complete

Before you start the A Level course, it would really help you to do some background reading around the themes. You can do this in English, but it would really help you more to do this in Spanish, to keep your contact up with the language. Try to read short stories, short articles (or paragraphs of articles in Spanish). Make a vocabulary list as you go (either on Memrise or just plain old paper!) Underneath are some suggested websites you might like to try.
www.oye.org.uk (free after 4pm)



Pre-course reading

Grammar is key at A Level, so if you can keep revising grammar structures learned at GCSE these will be secure before starting the A Level course.

Extended reading


This is a very broad website with lots of suggested reading activities, from song lyrics to biographies.

Useful websites and other resources

Join the Barnsley College Transition Spanish Team and access more materials and support.

Microsoft Teams page has been created – students are welcome to access this with a code – they should email Gemma Bramall to request.

Meet the tutors

Hola a tod@s!

I’m Gemma Bramall and I’m very excited to welcome you to the Spanish course at Barnsley College.

I am passionate about all things Spanish and can’t wait to share my love of Spanish language and culture with you all.

The course gives you lots of opportunities – both in and out of the classroom. We currently have a languages exchange with a school in Seville, we hope to run a trip to Spain and broaden our cultural offer by partaking in Flamenco lessons! We work hard but definitely have fun.

Hasta pronto!

Any questions?

Email us on info@barnsley.ac.uk

Call us on 01226 216 123